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The voice is no longer whispering but roaring!

I hear it; do you?

Now is the Time.

Join Nazali


There is always a way to make a way;

the people can say YES! So I come to you.

Loan Financing. From $1000. 5xx Return by year 5.  Target $50

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Project Background

The idea driving Naza Project stems from a profound desire dreaming to live in an environment where money will not be needed. An environment surrounded by nature, no in a way of exerting complete primitivism, as there is undeniable beauty in integrating nature and modernity, providing an environment where everything required to sustain human's lives will be free, from food, energy to traditional medicine. Aiming to help in bypassing the parameters that bond us into financial slavery. A free tax environment with only value added contributions that can be paid to the country's government as a contribution toward all other important matters of the country.  An environment with a reformed education system. As a mother, this is the kind of environment I want for my children, that's all I want.

However, my desire goes beyond just a dream, to an unbearable ache from a sense of calling as I realised that I am a mother not just to my biological children but a Mother to the world. I want an environment where the value of human lives can be restored, where AI will be utilised to serve in domestic activities and where no human will need to serve another human domestically but serve in terms of individual calling or gifts.


An environment with a reformed governance system, away from the old machinery of the corrupted governance system that has proven no longer to be working. An environment with an established educational system providing a reframed life philosophy emphasising on personal relationship with God and love as a moral code of living, where like-minded people can harmoniously live together respecting our differences while understanding that we all come from one and we are one.

This dreamed environment while to some people may not be seen as a probability, I see it as a possibility. And my vision is as vivid as vivid can be; in a land within the territory now called Africa, my motherland.  This vision is not far away in the future but in this present time and in this life. Now is the time! For over a decade the calling burns within my heart, the calling is no longer whispering but roaring! I hear it it, do you?  Now is the time!

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Why $50m?

Why $50m?

How will this money be invested?

How will this money be invested?

Business model for Naza?

Business model for Naza?

Why DRC?

Why DRC?

Return on Investment

Return on Investment

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